"If You Can Copy And Paste,

Then You Too Can Have A Strategy That Converts!

Get Instant Access To A Simple, Proven Listing Framework That Has Turned HUNDREDS Of Agents Into Listing Rockstars!"

(Normally $6,982 - Today For Just $1,497/mo

Recommended Ad Budget of $1,000-$3,000/mo

"YES! This Is The SAME Listing Strategy That We've Used To Successfully Win Listings For Our Clients Time and Time Again!!!

(Normally $6,982 - For Just $1,497/mo) !!!

Recommended Ad Budget of $1,000-$3,000/mo

From Bryan Clark

West Richland, Wa

Dear friend,

Hey, my name is Bryan Clark, and I'm here today because I want to give you something that I call "Consistently Win Listings".

This is my framework and my complete system for how to create a consistent flow of listings.

But before I give you access to Leads To ROI so you can Consistently Win Listings, I want to tell you the backstory about how it was created...

This is NOT something that I just made up one day, and hoped that it would work, I spent OVER 4 years testing and perfecting this strategy for you!

This is what happened...

4 years ago, I quit my job at “Zillow”, and launched Be Known Advertising I assumed that it would be a piece of cake where we just created ads and generated qualified buyers and sellers for our agents...

But what happened next, completely confused me...

We generated a ton of leads, and from client after client

To our discontent, we heard the same response,

"I haven't heard from any of my leads"

At this point, the only thing I could do was ask. "How have you followed up with your leads? Did you send texts, Emails, did you call your leads?..."

I began to hear the same answers over and over. "I tried to call once or twice but I never got a hold of them".

I was baffled as I have years of sales experience and understood that the fortunes were made in the follow-up. 

This is when I decided to take matters into my own hands. 

And what happened next changed my life.

We whiteboarded every strategy we could think of,

...text campaigns, email campaigns, direct mail, cold callers, CRM's! 

We built out our CRM, and began testing campaigns... One by one, we tried text campaigns, email campaigns, direct mail, hired callers. Little by little, 





our conversion rates continued to rise and we continued testing strategies.

Finally, our Agents were Consistently Winning Listings!

Once we found the secret formula, we began testing around the nation, market after market, agent after agent…

I watched it happen over and over again… our agents were Consistently Winning Listings!

After 33 agents gaining the same results over and over, I knew I HAD to get this in front of as many agents as I could.

Our goal is to help as many agents as we can win more listings…

We know that the shift in the MARKET, is right around the corner, listings are spending a little more time on the market and buyers are becoming more scarce…

...agents desperately NEED strategies that convert,


Look, this isn't going to cost you $100,000 per year like the big box real estate lead generation companies...

But what it boils down to is consistently generating a return on your investment. If you were making 10X would you pay $100,000 per year on a system that is proven? 

Or $100,000 per month?

Or $100,000 per week?

What would it be worth to 10X Your Listing Production…?

Take a look at Mirlene Myrthil for example...

She has Won 3 listings in just a few short months (and is still) Winning new potential LISTING leads every day...

All it takes is the implementation of the framework...

YES BRYAN! Give Me Instant Access To Leads To ROI so I can Consistently Win Listings RIGHT NOW For Just $1497.00 !

 Instant Access To Leads To ROI Real Estate CRM (Value $497)

Leads To ROI Cold Callers Providing Warm Transfers (Value $497)

 Full Access To The 5 Day Leads To ROI Listing Challenge (Value $997)

 Instant Access To Listing Generation Training (Value $997)

 Discover Our #1 Strategy: Consistently Win Listings (Value $2997)

Marketing Materials, PDF Guides, Post Cards etc.  (Value $997)

Total Monthly Value: $6,982

Today Just $1,497/mo

Recommended Ad Budget of $1,000-$3,000/mo

It Doesn't Matter What Market You're In... Our Strategy to Consistently Win Listings Will Work For YOU!

In fact...

We have agents in almost every market and niche who are using this SAME STRATEGY to win their own listings! 

They use it to sell EVERY niche you can dream of, like:

  • Luxury...
  • ​Ranch...
  • FSBO...
  • ​Canceled...
  • ​Expired...
  • ​Withdrawn...
  • ​Probate...
  • ​Short Sales...
  • Investors...
  • ​Absentee Homeowners...
  • Home Flippers...
  • ​Multi-family...
  • ​​ ​Foreclosures...
  • ​and many, many more!

Mirlene Myrthil Used This SAME STRATEGY

To Win Multiple Listings, Buyers, brand recognition AND MORE!

"Every time I turn onto you guys, I learn something new, and I'm really grateful to you guys…"

"I'm Getting Results, I am Getting Good Results!!!"

"Honestly, you could charge so much more and I think I would still be with you guys, and because it is really good because, by the time I talk to that lead, they say yeah I just spoke with your assistant, I'm like oh wow great, I feel like a cool big deal right now. It's a great moment, I don't feel like it's a cold lead anymore because they talked to my assistant, so they know when I ask some questions they answer me, they understand why I am calling, it's no longer a cold call, it's warmer at this point. That's basically what I get out of this right now, that's why I am so in love with you guys."


This Proven Strategy Will Help You Consistently Win Listings ANYWHERE.

For many of you, you won’t be chasing leads or wasting precious time calling Leads.

(And that’s totally the game plan...)

There’s a TON of work that we do to make sure we get you to the closing table…

  • Facebook Ads...
  • Direct Mail Strategies...
  • 1 Full Year Text, VM, and Email Campaign...
  • Call each lead a minimum of 6 times...
  • Retarget with video, pdf's, and educational branding... 
  • Provide Weekly Trainings…
  •  Sales Videos…
  •  FaceBook, or Instagram Lives…
  •  YouTube videos…
  •  And MORE!!!

This strategy I’m going to uncover to you works in any market...

It’s the same process I’ve used to grow ALL of my agents businesses.

And it will work for you as well!

When You Get Started with Leads To ROI "Consistently Win Listings" Strategy ($6,982 For Just $1,497/mo)

You'll Get All Of These Bonuses For FREE!

Bonus #1 - One Click Facebook Ad Creator

"One Click Facebook Ad Creator"

Total Value: $160

With our proprietary partnership, you will be able to launch Facebook ads in under two minutes that will generate leads with names, numbers, emails, and additional pertinent information. No tech experience is required. Our system will do the majority of the upfront work for you and you'll be getting it FREE when you order Consistently Win Listings today!

It will help you to generate a consistent flow of buyers or sellers Looking to Move! This is on top of the ads that our team will already be creating for you.

Get This For FREE When You Order 'Consistently Win Listings' Today! 

Bonus #2 - Social Media Auto Posting

"Social Media Auto Posting"

Total Value: $197

Social media posting with relevant content to real estate with 70 months of posting 3 days per week.

This content will help supplement your current social postings, and help you reach your audience and tell your stories in a way that gets people to move!

You'll also get this tool "Social Media Auto Posting" included when you sign up today!

Get This For FREE When You Order 'Consistently Win Listings' Today! 

Bonus #3 - Access To Our Direct Mail Mastermind Training!

"Get Access To Our Number One Direct Mail Secrets: "Ninja Strategies"

Total Value: $197

Kelly Wheeler the Real Estate Marketing Ninja, will provide unlimited access to his Direct Mail Marketing Masterclass. Giving you all of the tools and resources that you need to start winning buyers and sellers through direct mail!

I’ll explain in detail:

  1. You get the strategies…
  2. You get the postcards...
  3. You get the automated follow up campaings!

Get This For FREE When You Order 'Consistently Win Listings' Today! 

Bonus #4 - Done For You Video Content!

Done For You Video Content

Total Value: $297

Over 100 done for you videos, that you can leverage across all social platforms. This content can provide valuable educational information to potential home sellers.

Get This For FREE When You Order 'Consistently Win Listings' Today! 

Hear From Some Of Our Happy Clients!

YES BRYAN! Give Me Instant Access To 'Consistently Win Listings' RIGHT NOW For Just $1497.00/mo !

Your InfoUpgrade Your Order & Save!
No products available
Everything You're Going To Get
  • Instant Access To Leads To ROI Real Estate CRM (Value $497)
  • Leads To ROI Cold Callers Providing Warm Transfers (Value $497)
  • Full Access To The 5 Day Leads To ROI Listing Challenge (Value $997)
  • Instant Access To Listing Generation Training (Value $997)
  • Discover Our #1 Strategy: Consistently Win Listings (Value $2997)
  • Marketing Materials, PDF Guides, Post Cards etc. (Value $997)

Total Value: $6,485

Today Just $1,497/mo

Recommended Ad Budget of $1,000-$3,000/mo

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Be Known Advertising LLC - © 2021 All Rights Reserved | 416 W 21st Ave, Kennewick, Wa 99337